Open Linear Encoders
Increasing requirements in today's motion control applications ask for high-precision exposed Linear Encoder systems. This is driven by steadily increasing demands for higher traversing speed, higher operating cycles, lower mechanical backlash and zero frictional force induced by the encoder. Only exposed, non-contact encoders fulfill all these requirements. Exposed Encoders are optimized and commonly used in clean environments.
More information about the manufacturer >> RSF
Medital Hi-Tech
E-mail: Hi-Tech@medital.co.il
Company Tel: 073-2000280
Avi Yacoby
Mobile: 054-4923332
E-mail: avi@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000202
E-mail: Hi-Tech@medital.co.il
Company Tel: 073-2000280
Avi Yacoby
Mobile: 054-4923332
E-mail: avi@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000202