Tech Products
A leading American manufacturer from Stabilus Group, with rich experience and proven expertise in the fields of shock and vibration isolation, in various machines and industrial applications which serve a wide range of industries.
As part of Tech Products solutions, you can find Wire Rope Isolators that provide a solution for mobile applications which require shock absorption and vibration isolation, in all possible directions, with 6 degrees of freedom.
Furthermore, Tech Products offer technical solutions based on elastomeric materials in different sizes and shapes, with a convenient interface, which allows easy & simple installation for the application which requires vibration and shock control.
All the products are made in the USA.
Tech Product - Cable Mounts Catalog PDF
E-mail: novelty@medital.co.il
Company Tel: 073-2000260
Yaron Dean
E-mail: yaron@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-4923212
Direct Tel: 073-2000212
Guy Issler
E-mail: Guy@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-4973300
Direct Tel: 073-2000216
Dvir Shemesh
E-mail: Dvir@medital.co.il
Mobile: 052-5228818
Direct Tel: 073-2000252
Roman Shapira
E-mail: roman@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-7661003
Direct Tel: 073-2000239