Motor Power
Motor Power Company”s approach to the market to our customers, by way of our know-how and experience is simple: we identify a need and implement a solution. Our long-term investments in the study of motion have created a deep well of knowledge in all aspects of motion technology. We combine this with an approach to our people, our engineers and designers, that rewards creativity, intellectual growth and continuing investment in knowledge. The result is an innate ability to come up with original ideas that distinguishes Motor Power Company and allows the design and final performance of our products to stand out in the market. Our standard product range highlights reliability, performance and quality features.Web Page: www.motorpowerco.com
Medital Comotech
E-mail: Comotech@medital.co.il
Company Tel: 073-2000290
Moni Barak
E-mail: Moni@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-4923355
Direct Tel: 073-2000213
Yonatan Klein
E-mail: Yonatan@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-5800920
Direct Tel: 073-2000235
Arie Klein
E-mail: Arie@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-4923303
Direct Tel: 073-2000203
E-mail: Comotech@medital.co.il
Company Tel: 073-2000290
Moni Barak
E-mail: Moni@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-4923355
Direct Tel: 073-2000213
Yonatan Klein
E-mail: Yonatan@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-5800920
Direct Tel: 073-2000235
Arie Klein
E-mail: Arie@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-4923303
Direct Tel: 073-2000203