Leine & Linde
LEINE & LINDE manufactures both incremental and absolute encoders for providing feedback on speed and positioning of rotary movements. Leine & Linde have concentrated on one thing for 50 years – the development and production of encoders witch can cope with the very toughest demands a user can place on them.
This is way tomorrow’s technology is already available today in Leine & linde products.
Web page: www.leinelinde.se
Medital Vision
E-mail: vision@medital.co.il
Company Tel: 073-2000250
Oren Zoldan
Mobile: 054-4792930
E-mail: orenz@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000224
Danna Daabul
Mobile: 054-4441187
E-mail: danna.d@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000243
Yaron Sheratzky
Mobile: 054-6889102
E-mail: yaron.sh@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000219
Or Kuperman
Mobile: 054-2210280
E-mail: or.k@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000242
E-mail: vision@medital.co.il
Company Tel: 073-2000250
Oren Zoldan
Mobile: 054-4792930
E-mail: orenz@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000224
Danna Daabul
Mobile: 054-4441187
E-mail: danna.d@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000243
Yaron Sheratzky
Mobile: 054-6889102
E-mail: yaron.sh@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000219
Or Kuperman
Mobile: 054-2210280
E-mail: or.k@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000242