Laser projectors
Industrial laser projectors serve as optical guidance systems. In many manufacturing processes, they allow working without templates by indicating directly on the workpiece how tools have to be positioned or material has to be mounted.
This can be the case, for example, in welding and assembly or in so-called light guide systems. In this way, laser projectors guide employees step-by-step through the assembly process.
The laser projectors from Z-LASER are particularly convincing due to their fast and stable projection with a high repetition rate, so that visual flickering is reduced or at best prevented. The Z-LASER laser projectors are optimized for 2D and 3D applications and offer a highly accurate projection in the thousandth of a millimeter range. The optical angles (80° x 80°) allow the coverage of large working areas.
Z-LASER laser projectors can be combined into multi-projection systems. This enables large and very complex projections (e.g. shipbuilding, wind turbine blades for wind turbines, etc.)
Your advantages:
- Material and time savings through optimized workflow
- Higher accuracy and quality in production
- Immediate visual quality control
- Increase in production capacity
For more information: Laser projectors
E-mail: vision@medital.co.il
Company Tel: 073-2000250
Oren Zoldan
Mobile: 054-4792930
E-mail: orenz@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000224
Danna Daabul
Mobile: 054-4441187
E-mail: danna.d@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000243
Yaron Sheratzky
Mobile: 054-6889102
E-mail: yaron.sh@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000219
Or Kuperman
Mobile: 054-2210280
E-mail: or.k@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000242