DCM Sistemes is a company involved into design and manufacturing of LED lighting systems for machine vision, set up in 1999 by a group of young engineers with an eager to help companies in their way towards the modernizing and technology developing.
Since then, DCM Sistemes has performed thousands of lighting studies internationally and its catalog of products, based on LED technology for machine vision, has continued to expand. The secret that more and more companies trust us, is the personalized service beyond mere product.
DCM Sistemes offers its clients a wide range of lights based on LED technology, with all advantages this technology offers and an excellent value.
With our lighting systems our customers will get: Long-life lights, reliability, quick-response, low consumption, low voltage, little spectrum width in a wide band and a brighter light, among others.
E-mail: vision@medital.co.il
Company Tel: 073-2000250
Oren Zoldan
Mobile: 054-4792930
E-mail: orenz@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000224
Danna Daabul
Mobile: 054-4441187
E-mail: danna.d@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000243
Yaron Sheratzky
Mobile: 054-6889102
E-mail: yaron.sh@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000219
Or Kuperman
Mobile: 054-2210280
E-mail: or.k@medital.co.il
Direct Tel: 073-2000242