Bellows and way covers
Dynatect (Gortite of A&A Corporation USA), is a leading manufacturer of covers bellows, rolling covers, telescope covers and windscreen with a diverse selection of protective covering solutions for variety fields of industry. way covers, steel covers, way wipers, roll up covers and doors with experience of over 60 years.
Round & Oblong/Oval Shaped Profile
Rectangular & Tapered Shaped Profile
Flat/Strip-Type and Way Cover Profile
Special Bellows Profile / Non-Standard Geometry
More information on Dynatect Bellows and way covers page monitor .
Medital Novelty
E-mail: novelty@medital.co.il
Company Tel: 073-2000260
Yaron Dean
E-mail: yaron@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-4923212
Direct Tel: 073-2000212
Guy Issler
E-mail: Guy@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-4973300
Direct Tel: 073-2000216
Dvir Shemesh
E-mail: Dvir@medital.co.il
Mobile: 052-5228818
Direct Tel: 073-2000252
Roman Shapira
E-mail: roman@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-7661003
Direct Tel: 073-2000239
E-mail: novelty@medital.co.il
Company Tel: 073-2000260
Yaron Dean
E-mail: yaron@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-4923212
Direct Tel: 073-2000212
Guy Issler
E-mail: Guy@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-4973300
Direct Tel: 073-2000216
Dvir Shemesh
E-mail: Dvir@medital.co.il
Mobile: 052-5228818
Direct Tel: 073-2000252
Roman Shapira
E-mail: roman@medital.co.il
Mobile: 054-7661003
Direct Tel: 073-2000239